A BBC article has been brought to my attention that calls into question a couple of items I listed in my first post. (I have changed them there, but want to call them out directly):
- staying hydrated (keep sipping water throughout the day) This is one the things you can do for your general health. AMENDMENT: a BBC article reports a “rumour” (it’s British!) that drinking water kills the COVID virus, which is untrue – it was not my intention to imply such a thing.
- spraying, gargling, swishing our mouths and noses with water (you’ll want saline for your nose!) – keeping those membranes moist will help viruses you come in contact with to slough off into our stomach where it doesn’t survive.
CORRECTION: the same BBC article reports that other coronoviruses can resist diluted stomach acid. It is yet unknown if the COVID-19 virus is resistant to stomach acid, though there are signs it CAN infect the digestive tract.